Nashik: The police took action after women registered their complaints about the unsafe environment in various places and roads on the WhatsApp helpline started by the city police commissionerate. Accordingly, the police have taken action against some suspects by conducting raids at the relevant places within the limits of Upnagar and Nashik Road police stations.
The WhatsApp helpline number of the city police commissionerate has become operational from the concept of Commissioner of Police Sandeep Karnik. The police are taking action on the complaints being received on it.
The commissionerate has decided to take action against the suspects, given women’s safety and after searching out black spots. In their complaints, women stated that they feel unsafe while travelling at night through the limits of Upnagar and Nashik Road police stations.
According to the complaints of eleven women, the police have increased police patrolling in plain clothes at the respective places. Along with this, instructions were issued to Nirbhaya squad and Damini marshals along with the local police station and the crime branch to act at those places.
The police have started arresting those causing trouble in such areas and have given instructions to the concerned municipal and other agencies to start the street lights.
Meanwhile, a combing operation was implemented earlier through this helpline. Thereafter, they cracked down on eve teasers in college campuses. Police also provided support to those elderly citizens living alone by providing contact numbers of police officials along with helping them from time to time.
Police act on complaints of women
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