NASHIK: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) raided a shop in the Anandavalli area on Monday evening and seized the cooking oil, which is harmful to health. Traders playing with citizens’ health by repeatedly using used cooking oil have now come under the radar of the Food and Drug Administration. Edible oil is suitable for frying if its TPC (Total Polar Compound) meter reading is within 25.
However, if the reading is more than that, the oil is hazardous to health. During the inspection, a sample from Royal Bakers showed an oil reading of 39.5 and concluded that the oil was unhealthy for consumption. The FDA has urged the consumers to be aware and ensure that the oil they use is suitable or not, as the adulterated oil can cause serious disorders like heart disease, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, childhood obesity, and diabetes.
FDA officers Vivek Patil and Pramod Patil have taken action and seized samples of the oil used by the baker which is now in the possession of the Reused Cooking Oil (RUCO) organisation. The reused oil has been removed from the pan and seized, which will be given to an agency called RUCO for the production of biodiesel.
Oil samples in lab
The oil samples seized have been sent to the laboratory for testing. Assistant Commissioner Vivek Patil said that appropriate action will be taken against the concerned trader after receiving the report.
“The Government has implemented the concept of ‘Eat Right’ to provide proper and quality food to the citizens. Through this, work will be done on projects of Eat Right School, Eat Right Campus, and Eat Right Station. Through this, a campaign will be undertaken in various parts of the city. The used cooking oil needs to be changed as blackened oil invites diseases.” – Ganesh Parlikar, Assistant Commissioner, FDA, Nashik division